Versakast Clear Casting Coating Epoxy Resin Review
A huge design trend as of late has been epoxy tables. Many homes have added wooden tables and “river tables” to their interior design. These tables can be purchased or made at home for a fraction of the cost. They are very popular because they are so beautiful, and it would be great if you could make one for yourself, right?
Well, Versakast has decided to come out with a clear casting/coating epoxy resin specifically designed to help you make stunning river tables for your home. So, today we’ll be talking all about this product so you can better decide if it’s a good option for your next epoxy resin project!
About Verakast
While this product is formulated for table pours and river tables, it also advertises being used for smaller pours and casting projects. However, you will want to be careful when using this product for smaller items.
This product claims to be a UV-resistant and non-yellowing formula as well, however, it is not recommended you leave your project in a window that gets much sunlight.
You can also color this resin with dyes and pigments. This is a feature of almost all epoxies allowing you to truly customize your project to the fullest extent! Versakast’s clear casting/coating epoxy resin is also 100% waterproof and dries to a beautiful, high-gloss finish.
This resin is also crack and scratch resistant which makes for a great table! You can also feel free to work inside your home as this epoxy resin is odorless and won’t release harsh chemicals into the air. This is great as most epoxies have incredibly strong fumes that make it hard to work with it inside.
This epoxy also dries within 24 hours. You may notice the product has hardened before 24 hours, but make sure to give it the full 24 hours to ensure you don’t harm it!
Pricing of the VersaKast
You can purchase this kit at multiple craft stores and multiple online stores. However, Amazon is currently selling the gallon kit for $83. This is slightly pricey for the size and in comparison to other (better quality) epoxy brands.
If you do decide to use this product for many small projects, your gallon will go a very long way. You may also want to be mindful of how much you need if you are pouring a bigger piece because you may need to order more than one gallon to complete your product!
What Users Have Said
Customers provide mixed reviews on using this product. Some reported that it was very easy to use which makes this a great product for both beginners and seasoned resin veterans to try out. However, if you are brand new to the world of epoxy resin, I would do a few test runs before trying your hand at a big table or other furniture piece.
Other reviewers state that it cured very cloudy, and others said it even cured yellow. Its important to test your epoxy on a small sample piece before applying it to your final product to ensure you don't ruin your final project.
Users also loved that they could pour this epoxy in much thicker layers than they could with other epoxy resin products. This means you won’t have to wait days to finish your project, you should be able to finish it all in one go. This depends on your project though, so thoroughly read the directions before getting started!
Final Thoughts
Feelings on Versakast’s clear casting/coating epoxy resin seems to be very mixed. Some people have had great results with it, while others have ruined high-dollar projects they were working on. It is also quite pricey in comparison to other epoxies on the mark.
That being said, if you do purchase it, be sure to test the epoxy before using it. Otherwise, there are other great casting resins on the market to choose from, such as Art N Glow or EasyCast.