Category Archives for "Resin Articles"

Polishing Epoxy Resin, How To & What To Use

So you want to learn to polish epoxy resin? It can be a long and arduous process but it’s definitely worth it in the end to see the project you’ve spent so much time on, shining to perfection. All that sweat and hard work will finally be visible and you’ll be able to sit back […]

How to Use Castin’ Craft Mold Builder

For three-dimensional artists such as sculptors, potters, and carvers, Castin’ Craft Mold Builder is a valuable tool to help create replicas of their creations for further production.Castin’ Craft Mold Builder replicates the artist’s creation down to the last detail in a flexible mold to allow for castings or duplication processes to take place.  Check Price […]

Everything You Need to Know About Casting Resin Molds

Casting resin molds are used for making a specific mold of an object you’d like to replicate or display. Resin is then poured into the mold in order to replicate the mold’s exact shape. This then makes a 3D object you can display wherever you choose.Casting molds usually require a certain type of epoxy, more […]

Casting Resin Vs Table Top Epoxy Resin

penny top epoxy table

Clear casting resin and table top epoxy are both very popular for encasing and suspending memorabilia, coating bars and countertops, river tables, resin art, jewelry, tumblers and more. These two resins are quite similar in some ways, but they are very different to work with and are meant for different uses. It is important to […]