Category Archives for "Resin Reviews"

ArtResin Review: Is It Worth the Price?

ArtResin is perhaps the most well known brand in the resin industry with crafters, DIYers and artists. That being said, it is also one of the priciest options (if not the priciest) on the market, specifically on Amazon, which is where most people purchase their supplies these days. It is often double the price of […]

ET’s Polyester Casting Resin Liquid Plastic Review

casting craft liquid plastic

A great way to enjoy a new kind of DIY project is by using resin to make castings of your favorite items! You can preserve almost any object using resin including pictures, figurines, or other small objects. Many people also use resin to create entire tables or other pieces of furniture. However, not all resin […]

Versakast Clear Casting Coating Epoxy Resin Review

versakast resin

A huge design trend as of late has been epoxy tables. Many homes have added wooden tables and “river tables” to their interior design. These tables can be purchased or made at home for a fraction of the cost. They are very popular because they are so beautiful, and it would be great if you […]

Angel Crafts Clear Cast Epoxy Resin Mix Kit Review

angel crafts casting resin

Angel Crafts is pretty well known in the epoxy resin world. They make some good products that many epoxy users know and love. Their epoxy resin formulas can be used for many different projects, from homemade bar stools or table tops to artwork, jewelry, figurines, and more! There is so much to do in the […]

RTG Clear Casting Craft Resin Review

rtg clear casting craft resin

Epoxy resin is quickly becoming a popular crafting technique that DIY-lovers and professionals use regularly. It’s the perfect way to encase almost any object you want. You can create custom tables, art pieces, preserve sentimental items and more using epoxy casting resin.2-Quart Kit Check Price Now, there is a slight difference in regular epoxy versus […]

Environmental Technology EasyCast Casting Craft Epoxy

Easy Cast By Environmental Technologies

EasyCast Clear Casting Epoxy is one of the high-end epoxy resin options. However, it isn’t just an investment for expert epoxy users. This epoxy is also great for newbies. This epoxy is made for casting projects, so it may not be the best for pouring application projects. You will find this epoxy is low-odor, solvent-free, […]

Art N Glow Casting Resin Review

Art N Glow Resin

Epoxy is one of the best DIY projects out there. Preserve floors, tables, and small objects with clear epoxy resin. There are many types of resin to choose from, but today we’ll be going over the Art N Glow Casting Resin. Art N Glow Casting Resin is one of the premium brands of resin. Current […]